Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most widely used and strongly evidenced techniques to help reduce anxiety. It is a talking therapy that looks at how we think and how we behave, and how these areas impact on how we feel. By changing our way of thinking about the world, or changing our actions, we learn to manage our emotional responses more successfully. This approach is about open and challenging conversations in the therapy room, whilst also learning practical tools and methods to use in the outside world. It can be undertaken as a practical approach or as a deeper exploration of self.
CBT sessions are 50 minutes and cost £55. They will usually have work set between sessions. The amount of sessions required is client dependent but is usually around 6-8.

Sometimes life throws a curve ball at us or our environment is such that we need support to get through it. Counselling is about providing a safe space for you to be heard. Knowing that someone is there for you and listening to you non-judgmentally. This can be a space to explore and reflect on emotions, a place to safely tests theories or responses, or a time just to offload what’s in your head.
Counselling sessions last up to 50 minutes and cost £55. The amount of sessions required is open-ended and client dependent.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR is a non-traditional type of therapy. For the most part it’s used in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) however it can also help with panic and anxiety. EMDR works with a fragmented memory that triggers unconsciously in your body or brain and hijacks safe events; it reprocesses and refiles the memory as a whole so that you can access it at will in a more helpful and purposeful way. It uses a technique known as bi-lateral stimulation to lower distress, whilst simultaneously activating a traumatic memory. This stimulation dampens the power of the emotional charge of past traumatic events. Gradually, your thoughts shift to more helpful ones. Before any work starts, we will first make sure that you are able to find a safe place in your own self. This part of the work alone can be helpful enough.
Preparation and assessment work lasts 50 minutes and costs £55. An EMDR reprocessing session can last up to 120 minutes and costs £130. The number of sessions is dependent on the client but on average will be around 4-6 preparation sessions and 1-2 EMDR sessions.